Money Minder UK

Money Minder - Customer Promise

  1. We will not sell, or pass your contact details to any third parties, unless you specifically ask us to. You don't have to tick a box to opt out, we just don't do it.

  2. Results are displayed purely on merit. We do not allow providers to have sponsored links which make them appear artificially higher on the search results page than they should be.

  3. Our aim is to provide you with exceptional value for money. For example, if you set up a plan on a 'flat fee' basis via, we won't take any upfront commission. This means you pay less than you would if you went directly to the provider.

  4. We make it easy to see the difference in the cost of taking, or not taking, professional independent financial advice, so that you can see exactly what you're paying for.

  5. As Independent Financial Advisers, we compare as many providers as we can, to ensure that you have a wide range of products and prices to choose from. However, some providers, such as Direct Line, don�t allow their products to appear on comparison sites.
Money Minder UK

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