One of the most noticeable things about Money Minder is the fantastic working culture you have achieved.
The Directors operate a very mature approach to leadership, showing trust in their teams and hence empowering them to develop and shape their roles within the business.
The atmosphere is very happy and productive. The Directors operate an open door policy, said by many but not necessarily always true, in the case of Money Minder it is 100% a reality.
Communication was found to be excellent with everyone connecting for constructive meetings and talking day to day to work together as a team. Many employees drew comparisons to previous employers
and almost couldn’t believe their luck at the conditions they have now.
People and training are prioritised by the business and as such you have developed a highly qualified work force. You have seen this strategy pay off and help towards the overall goals of the
organisation in terms of excellent customer service and customer education.
Recruitment is robust and you have brought people into the organisation who share your vision and values.
It was good to see an organisation taking care to share knowledge and capture data and processes for future security.
Money Minder doesn’t stand still, and is constantly refreshing and renewing procedures to look for improvements.
What The Team Say About Money Minder
"There is lots of informal sharing; we are all working for a common aim."
"Ray is well on top of future developments and looks at the long term."
"I was quite taken aback at the level of support."
"Completing my exams means that I can talk to customers in more detail and I now know what I’m reading."
"You are a name, not a number here."
"They treat you as a human."
"The door is always open, there is nothing I couldn’t go and ask."
"Karron and Ray are invested in the organisation; they want it to succeed for them and us".
"They let us get on with things and don’t micro manage."